Today is: Wednesday, July 11, 2011
I got up this morning: early. 4am. It's not that I mind getting up early... it's that 10am letdown and sleepy that gets me.
As I look out my window: the sprinklers are sprinkling. There's a street light on our corner and the water makes all the plants out front glisten like tiny stars. Pretty enough to go sit out and watch... but it's already 82°F out there at 5:30am....
I am hearing: my sweet DH wandering around the kitchen getting coffee and asking me why I was up so early... ;o)
I am thinking: that the air conditioning in our new house is wonderful...but I'll be right back...after I've slipped on the shawl that Karen made for me! Cool on my back this morning!
One thing I've learned over the past week: is just how much fun it is to share brownies and cups of tea with friends. This is not a new learning experience.. ;o) .. it's just that it's been such a long time since I've been able to that it SEEMS like a new one... ;o) Hopefully all the major hubbub with the move is about over... ;o)
Creatively: I've learned a bit this week. You don't have to use vinegar to set the dye for Kool Aid (unless you are worried about the blues being colorfast). Kool Aid has citric acid already in it ... therefore it will be colorfast without any other additive. And... I feel totally set free now that I've dyed roving in the microwave and it didn't come out a felted hot pad. Thanks, Pat, for all the tips last Friday.
Things I am thankful for: Visits from sons John and Phil over the 4th of July... Life can't get any better than that... ;o)
Plans for the rest of the week: include (finally) the installation of the storm doors today... yes! this morning!...yayyyy!
And the RRFA meeting on Thursday. Really glad that Mercy may be able to continue coming even tho she's moving.
It's hot. And doesn't look there's much chance for any change in temps for a while. Not even into August yet and the temps are now what the usual high for the year is... ;o/
But... the grass is green, the sky is blue, the flowers bloom and it is a lovely day. Hope yours is too... ;o)