
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Curves and Kids.. I Am So Loving It!

I was out running around a  week or so ago.  Errands, hair cut..that sort of thing.  I found myself across the street from our local Curves.  I have been looking at the sign every time I go to the bookstore or to have my hair done for a long time. I decided to stop in and find out what it was all about.  I knew right away that this was something I could do.So I jumped in with both feet and boy oh boy.. is it ever great.  I've only been going a week and already find myself with more energy than I've had in a long time. (Make that a "very" long time.)  Everyone is pleasant and welcoming.. makes me look forward to going... Imagine me looking forward to

I can't believe I haven't put the pictures up of the kids visit.. ;o(   So I will now.

First, of course,  is my sweet Hannah. This is our only grand daughter and she is now 2 years old.  She's not too sure about her first trip to Texas and all these new people so it was quite the visit.  Her Aunt Loretta is holding her... Hannah calls her Nana.  Son Phil and Loretta have never had children so this was pretty wonderful to watch.. ;o)

This is Dad.. son Chuck.  Talk about a doting
father.. ;o)  I just love it. 

Two more sons.. Phil and John with very talented daughter in law Tomomi..

What a wonderful visit.  Makes me (almost) wish they were all small again.. ;o)

It's hot, hot, hot.  My grapevine out back wilts low every afternoon. It perks back up when the sun goes down, but it sure is being stressed. I see a few clouds popping up in the southwest but that really doesn't mean much here.  I think the weather definitely has a mind of it's own and will do just as it pleases... does that remind any of teenagers.. ?? ;o)

Just to leave on a reality note..  A woman never realizes that her mother is right until she's about 40... too late.. she already has a daughter that knows she wrong.. ;o)   Have a good day.. ;o)

Thursday, July 01, 2010

What's up with my Blogger comments?

I clicked when I should have clacked a day or so ago when I was checking the new designs for Blogger and found myself  with a new look whether I wanted it or   Isn't it always the way with curiosity?  Anyway, I find that with a little tweaking I really do like the new look... even better than the old one.  There's just one problem... my comments are not showing up at all.  ?????  I have it set up to send comments to me as e-mail, so I know I have some.  I have even answered with a comment... but they don't show up.  Anyone have any ideas what to do about that?  I've tried everything I can think of... sigh