
Sunday, October 06, 2024

Losing Dianne

 I guess I knew that Dianne was not doing too well.  We haven't physically seen each other for many years and yet spoke online almost every day through Facebook, messages or phone calls.  I remember thinking about a week or so ago that I hadn't heard from her in a while and "I need to call"....  Then last night as I was cooking supper Jerry said "Listen to me.  I'm trying to tell you something!" .. sigh .. "Dianne Nash has died."  I couldn't catch my breath.  

I met Tom and Dianne Nash around 2005 at a Ranger Reunion in San Antonio, TX.  Their daughter Kim had died just a few months earlier and while they were as upbeat as they could be, the sadness was palpable.  We liked each other, but it was not an "instant bond" thing.  Then as time went on and we came across each other on facebook and talked via messenger and phone calls, we became friends. 

Tom and Dianne would take trips to New Mexico almost every year and the year we built our new house (2011) in Sherman, TX they made a special effort to stop to see us.  

We had just moved into our new home and had barely emptied all the boxes.. lol  It was so fun to have them with us.  Out to dinner, shopping in the antique stores...Tom going to Jerry's coffee klatch with him.  They only stayed one day and left the next morning, but what fun.  

Over the years we followed all the fun, the pride in our husbands, the Ranger reunions, the Ranger newsletter, sharing crafts and books...Tom wrote poetry and we had a shared interest in certain kinds of books.  Jerry edited the newsletter and Tom was President of the Ranger Association...both spent a lot of time encouraging all their buddies and helping with VA paperwork. What a team they were.  

Tom died in 2021 and left a whole in our hearts..and now Dianne.  Sleep well, Dear Friends. 

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Santa Cookie Plate and Christmas Ornaments

 I decided this morning that I've put off posting long enough.  Things happen and I just can't get in the mood to post... what kind of nonsense is that???  lol  Anyway, I got up this morning at 5:15am and decided I needed to do something besides sit in my chair.

I found this cute dough roller at the Dollar Store the other day for $  I knew it was not going to be "professionally finished"... more like raw wood.  But I love it anyway.  And...a sweet friend of mine brought me some air dry clay a few days ago...sooo ... this morning turned out to be "the" morning.  

I'm sure that if I make a few dozen more Santa Cookie Plates and Christmas ornaments I may get good at keeping the thickness uniform,  but that's definitely not the case today.

I have about 5 pounds of Air Dry Clay around here somewhere..put away where I can "always" find it..just can't find it today..sigh  Or last week or the week before .. or any time I've spent hours looking for it. 

But I am truly enjoying this idea. Last year at Christmas, I dehydrated oranges to hang on my tree.  I will do the same thing this year because I truly loved the stained glass look of them glistening on the tree.  

What I didn't realize when this bright idea struck was...those beautiful little flowers...get clay stuck in them.  Then you spend 1/2 hour with a toothpick and a good light to clean them out! However, I find that it's worth the time.  And.. if you spray it with your Pam cooking spray it doesn't stick.  But.. I'll have to tell you later whether the oily spray caused problems in the drying process...fingers crossed here. 

Now comes the hard part...waiting for them to dry.  I'm sure I'll wait at least 2 days before I start painting them.  I used the screw on lid from my canning jars for the circles.  I just cut the pear (that was supposed to be a bell until I realized I liked the pear) using a sharp paring knife.  And that little bitty thing on the right center is just a blob of clay with my thumbprint in it.  
(Have you ever thought about the fact that we have no idea what our grandparents hands looked like except in memory?)

I'm considering making a set of these for each of our children.  I would like to think that all my grandchildren would have at least one thing that is personal to me...whether it be something hand written, a Christmas ornament, a thumbprint, a book mark, a painting..whatever. 

It's been wonderfully cool here in SW Oklahoma for the past few days.  However...we are still waiting for appreciable rain.  If it doesn't rain soon, I'll have to water the mint and get the rest of it harvested and dried so I'll have winter tea.  I'm not sure how to shut down the sage for winter...harvest it all but a few or just cut the stem down and water it good for the winter... hmm.. must ask Barbara. 

Have a good day today.  Keep your loved ones close and try to spend at least a few minutes today doing exactly what you WANT to do instead of all those things we HAVE to do each day.  Hugs...