
Monday, March 07, 2011

Today In My Life... March 7, 2011

Today is:  Monday, March 7, 2011

I got up this morning:  not really ready to get up.  Went back to bed for few minutes, snuggling in the warmth my sweet DH had just left.  And then the clink of cups being set on the cabinet spurred one thought ... COFFEE!

As I look out my window:  it's overcast and a little breezy.  The daffodils have continued to bloom until it is a full mass of yellow. The red bud beside them is beginning to bloom with little purple buds popping up all over the trunk and limbs.  As I stepped outside to take pics it didn't take long for me step back inside and grab a long, fluffy and warm robe to go wandering in.

I am hearing:   my sweet DH .. "Better bring your coffee cup.."  which means the toast is in the toaster, new coffee has been made and it's time for breakfast.. ;o)

I am thinking:  that I am more grateful than can be expressed that our grandson Steven will be home...tour over ... from Iraq in just a few hours.  Left Ireland yesterday and should be at home in Oklahoma this afternoon.  What a gift!

I am thankful for:  the small glimpses into the lives of family, friends, old classmates and best of all.. my children's every day lives through Facebook.  (I know... that terrible Facebook.. but in reality the ability to communicate almost every day with the ones I know and love outweighs all of that... ) 

The one thing I learned during the past week:  My sweet DH becomes a little less sweet when he feels that I am not taking care of my hurt back.. ;o(  But believe me.. I am a fast

Creatively:  is all about my friend Amber DeHay of Knit My World.  I am so proud that she has released her first knitting pattern on Ravelry as a true designer. She is also working on a matching scarf to go with wrist warmers.

Plans for the rest of the week:   Boy... that would take a list... and a long one at that.  Today will be spent with Sharon packing, packing, packing.  Tomorrow will be spent preparing for the Thursday's Red River Fiber Arts group.   The newspaper came last week to do an article on our group and was a bit overwhelmed... ;o)  She asked if she could come back this week with a real photographer and do another interview for a full page spread.  We are about to pop all our  I thought I might also warp up my Kromski Harp and my small card weaving loom for the event.  Will have to see just how much time I have to prepare.

Before I go I want to say how wonderful it is to have friends who pop over and glance through my meanderings.. ;o)  I received a couple of comments from last weeks post that made me realize how much I enjoy this blogging thing.. lol  Thanks... your comments mean more than you know..

Have a wonderful day... spend it with people you care about and doing things you enjoy.. live is short.

1 comment:

Patricia Blankenship said...

I always love to read your meanderings.....