
Sunday, October 06, 2024

Losing Dianne

 I guess I knew that Dianne was not doing too well.  We haven't physically seen each other for many years and yet spoke online almost every day through Facebook, messages or phone calls.  I remember thinking about a week or so ago that I hadn't heard from her in a while and "I need to call"....  Then last night as I was cooking supper Jerry said "Listen to me.  I'm trying to tell you something!" .. sigh .. "Dianne Nash has died."  I couldn't catch my breath.  

I met Tom and Dianne Nash around 2005 at a Ranger Reunion in San Antonio, TX.  Their daughter Kim had died just a few months earlier and while they were as upbeat as they could be, the sadness was palpable.  We liked each other, but it was not an "instant bond" thing.  Then as time went on and we came across each other on facebook and talked via messenger and phone calls, we became friends. 

Tom and Dianne would take trips to New Mexico almost every year and the year we built our new house (2011) in Sherman, TX they made a special effort to stop to see us.  

We had just moved into our new home and had barely emptied all the boxes.. lol  It was so fun to have them with us.  Out to dinner, shopping in the antique stores...Tom going to Jerry's coffee klatch with him.  They only stayed one day and left the next morning, but what fun.  

Over the years we followed all the fun, the pride in our husbands, the Ranger reunions, the Ranger newsletter, sharing crafts and books...Tom wrote poetry and we had a shared interest in certain kinds of books.  Jerry edited the newsletter and Tom was President of the Ranger Association...both spent a lot of time encouraging all their buddies and helping with VA paperwork. What a team they were.  

Tom died in 2021 and left a hole in our hearts..and now Dianne.  Sleep well, Dear Friends. 

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Santa Cookie Plate and Christmas Ornaments

 I decided this morning that I've put off posting long enough.  Things happen and I just can't get in the mood to post... what kind of nonsense is that???  lol  Anyway, I got up this morning at 5:15am and decided I needed to do something besides sit in my chair.

I found this cute dough roller at the Dollar Store the other day for $  I knew it was not going to be "professionally finished"... more like raw wood.  But I love it anyway.  And...a sweet friend of mine brought me some air dry clay a few days ago...sooo ... this morning turned out to be "the" morning.  

I'm sure that if I make a few dozen more Santa Cookie Plates and Christmas ornaments I may get good at keeping the thickness uniform,  but that's definitely not the case today.

I have about 5 pounds of Air Dry Clay around here somewhere..put away where I can "always" find it..just can't find it today..sigh  Or last week or the week before .. or any time I've spent hours looking for it. 

But I am truly enjoying this idea. Last year at Christmas, I dehydrated oranges to hang on my tree.  I will do the same thing this year because I truly loved the stained glass look of them glistening on the tree.  

What I didn't realize when this bright idea struck was...those beautiful little flowers...get clay stuck in them.  Then you spend 1/2 hour with a toothpick and a good light to clean them out! However, I find that it's worth the time.  And.. if you spray it with your Pam cooking spray it doesn't stick.  But.. I'll have to tell you later whether the oily spray caused problems in the drying process...fingers crossed here. 

Now comes the hard part...waiting for them to dry.  I'm sure I'll wait at least 2 days before I start painting them.  I used the screw on lid from my canning jars for the circles.  I just cut the pear (that was supposed to be a bell until I realized I liked the pear) using a sharp paring knife.  And that little bitty thing on the right center is just a blob of clay with my thumbprint in it.  
(Have you ever thought about the fact that we have no idea what our grandparents hands looked like except in memory?)

I'm considering making a set of these for each of our children.  I would like to think that all my grandchildren would have at least one thing that is personal to me...whether it be something hand written, a Christmas ornament, a thumbprint, a book mark, a painting..whatever. 

It's been wonderfully cool here in SW Oklahoma for the past few days.  However...we are still waiting for appreciable rain.  If it doesn't rain soon, I'll have to water the mint and get the rest of it harvested and dried so I'll have winter tea.  I'm not sure how to shut down the sage for winter...harvest it all but a few or just cut the stem down and water it good for the winter... hmm.. must ask Barbara. 

Have a good day today.  Keep your loved ones close and try to spend at least a few minutes today doing exactly what you WANT to do instead of all those things we HAVE to do each day.  Hugs...

Monday, March 25, 2024

Would You Make A Prepper's Doll?

 Several years ago Jerry and I began to consider the need to prepare for a disaster.  We considered food, water, shelter, medicines, personal hygiene items...and the list goes on and on.  As time has passed, we continue to consider these things.  As I began to look through the internet for related things, I came across this most unusual idea....  A Prepper Doll.   

I have to say this totally intrigues me.. lol  Now...we have reached the age that if anything did happen we are just too old to jump in the car and run off to some "secret" hidey hole and wait everything out.  But...that is not to say that I may not make one of these little cuties just to see if I can.. lol 

Stuff You Can't Have  is a blog by Catherine McEver with the description of this doll.  There doesn't seem to be any real pattern, but it shows how each area of the doll is filled with necessary items for survival.  The legs are filled with rice, the arms with beans and lentils, the body with fishing gear, knife, medical supplies or anything you would like to put in it or feel you would need.  The clothes have an underskirt that is embroidered with necessary ideas for building a shelter, purifying water, how to build a fire and some basic first aid.  Even her face is used to show that stress and fear will be a way to keep you on your toes in the event of a disaster.  

I find it a very unusual and ingenious idea.  I think I would change the face to one of hope instead of sadness, tho.  

If you go over to the site, be sure to click thru the other labels on the side panel to see some of her other posts.  This lady is amazing in her ability to take beauty from the most bland things.  I truly enjoyed her site. 

The weather has cooled off again in Southwestern Oklahoma.  The fire was lit this morning and the dogs are in hog heaven once again.  Nothing really came of the weather alert for our first "there is a small possibility of a tornado" for this year.  I'm sure it won't be the last, but there is always hope.. lol

Have a wonderful day today... and as the Boy Scouts always say... Be Prepared!  (in line with the subject of this post!)  :)

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Today in My Life... March 24, 2024


I woke up this morning around 2:30 am and for whatever reason could not get back to sleep .. so I got up and moved to my recliner and tried to sleep there for a while.  Both dogs decided to join me so I had no trouble staying warm...however, moving around was a bit stilted... if you get my  

Finally I decided to give up the ghost and just get up.  Put the Navy Beans (as my grandmother called them) in water to soak to be cooked for supper tonight, put out bacon to be thawing for breakfast and plopped back down in the other recliner to see if it would be better.  It wasn't.  

So here I am at 5:17 writing for the first time in at least a month.  

We've had rain during the week and thankful is not even a big enough word for what we feel about that.  I've heard all my life the saying "March winds, April rains"... well there was very little wind and finally a little rain, but everyone is sure hoping that April will bring rains and lots of them.  However, we are under a wind advisory beginning tonight for strong winds up to 50 mph into tomorrow noon.  We may get some of those March winds yet.  We'll see.

The rain has brought some of the back yard into bloom.  Love that.  The redbud is bursting out all over and the japonica has already set all the blooms for the lovely cherries that will make jam this year.  Been here 7 years and just learned last year that these beauties are good to eat.  Who knew! 

I took the dogs out around 3am and the neighbor's dogs across the alley were in a massive uproar about something.  No idea what about, but they seemed to settle down within a few minutes. The only sounds heard.  One of the things I love about this time of the day is the peace...quiet...ability to just drift off into thoughts of whatever comes along. 

Have been a little under the weather during this past month... off and on.  Running a slight fever every night for no obvious reason at all... I like to blame it on the 2 teeth I had to have prepped for crowns last week but not sure that's what it was.  Between that and the teeth, it's been a month of doing whatever can be done in a chair.. lol 

I cut up my short nightgown and used it as a pattern to make me a new one.  Had a left over piece of a sheet I had cut up for a project, so I used it and some pretty lace to put together a new one.  The poor old one was on it's last leg!  This one turned out pretty good... if you don't look too 

An old friend from Sherman, (Hi Amber!) sent me a message to tell me she was finally getting that spinning wheel she's been wanting for about 10 years.  So HAPPY FOR HER! And she's doing great!  Sent me pics of her yarn.. Started my spinning bug back and I've been happily chugging out my Blue Faced Leicester over the last week or so.  

When it came time to dye it I found that I had 2 cherry Kool Aid packets and one strawberry... sooo... guess what color I got to choose.. lol  But it came out good.  275 yards of 2 ply and about 100 yards of 3 ply (Navajo plied).  No plans yet for a finished product, but we'll see what comes along. 

Been doing some "mindless" knitting with some 2ply handspun that I've had for a while.  It will probably turn into a scarf or a head/ear covering like I made a couple of months ago.  This feels really good so I may end up keeping this for myself.. lol  

Still reading the same series of books by Pedro Urvi.  Can't for the life of me figure out why I'm even reading  They are definitely written for kids still in school, but somehow got sucked in and can't seem to stop.  Book 11 now... whew... must change!  

And now the time is 6:10 am and I can legally turn on the coffee pot... YAYYYY   I do enjoy a Dr. Pepper every now and then but this one to stave off the coffee addiction is not working.. just sayin'...  :)

I looked at the calendar and so far there is nothing on it for this week except the groomer for dogs.. and hair appointment.  Those two I enjoy.. others not so much.. :)  I have some things I need to get into the mail and the prep for that will take at least a day, but that is the only planning so far for the week.  

I hope you have a wonderful day...full of laughs, friends, hugs.  If you don't get smiles, give one.  :)  

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Today in My Life... 02-20-2024

 Today is Tuesday, Februrary 20, 2024

I got up this morning:  later than usual.  I spiked a fever last night, not a high one, but didn't feel quite spunky enough to attend the Women's Circle meeting today.  I have 2 teeth that need the fillings redone so I'm thinking that is what is causing the fever. 

I am hearing:  Talley as she puts the dishes up from the dishwasher.  Jerry now has a personal aide who comes twice a week to help him with his daily living.  She is a wonderful young lady..upbeat and jolly most of the time.  Helping with whatever needs are found that day.  We are very thankful to have her help.

I am thinking:  about the fact that I have promised to help Dr. Rivera learn to paint.  Wow.. I haven't painted in so long I'm sure I remember how!  lol 

I am wearing:  a blue...almost worn completely out....housedress.  I tell myself every week that "next payday" I'm going to buy some clothes.  I haven't bought many things to wear in the last 7's about time.  Everything I own is almost worn

As I look out the window:  the sun is shining beautifully.  What a day for the middle of February.  It's supposed to be in the near 70°s today.  My bushes think it's time to bloom out and I'm afraid I will lose all the little berries from my Japonica. 

The current book is:  The King of the West  by Pedro Urvi.  It's a young adult book in the fantasy genre.  It's definitely not in the As the Bell Tolls class, but it's good enough for an easy read to fall asleep at night.  :)  This is the 7th in a long series by this author.  I guess I'll read it until I get tired of it.  :)  

Creatively:  I've been a busy girl.  Finally.  Picked up my knitting again.  Have knitted soooo many scarves, wrist cuffs that I think I may turn into one.  Got started naalbinding and then couldn't put that down.  Then decided to make a plaque hanger to hang my coat by the door.  Then my friend wanted one so made her one too.. lol  But all make me happy.. so I don't mind the busyness.  

Plans for the day:  None...  Still feel a little punk so am not going to plan a lot for today.  Probably knit some..may do some hand sewing.  But definitely nothing that requires a lot of moving around.  Maybe tomorrow will be better. 

As I wandered through Facebook today I came across this quote from J.R.R. Tolkein.  I've heard parts of it before but never realized he is the one who wrote it!  I love it. 

“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
(The Lord of Rings)

Perhaps I will be back faster than this time. I hope so. Be kind today and enjoy all those close around you... and even some not so close. Have a wonderful day!

Monday, August 28, 2023

Today in My Life ... August 28, 2023


Today is: August 28, 2023

Today in my life: I sit here and think back to a time when I had no computer and felt as if the world was passing me by.. lol  I just knew that as my grandchildren grew up their knowledge of how these things worked would surpass me to the point we would have nothing to talk about.  Little did I know!  This still happens, but it's not anywhere near what I thought it would be.  :)

I got up this morning:  at 5:00 and turned on the coffee pot as I passed by to turn the alarm off to take the dogs out.  It's quite the eye opener when one forgets to turn the alarm off and nonchalantly opens an outside door... ask me how I know!

I am hearing:  the oxygen concentrator that is humming away beside the door.  It's in here to keep the noise from permeating our bedroom at night.  

I am thinking: that I have outlived my time.  The world as we know it today is not the one I grew up in and I find that very sad for our children and grandchildren. The idea that homes need security systems when there was a time that no one even locked their doors is quite sad for me. 

I am wearing: my pajamas.. it's still very early and I will dress later.  Sweet DH is still sleeping and my clattering around in the shower and flapping closet doors might be a little much.. :)

As I look out the window: I do so love to see the birds fly back and forth to the birdhouse hanging from the eave.  I can hear the baby birds chirping from a window in our bedroom  Every year we have several bird families flying in and out and we can see them from at least 2 windows of the house. 

The current book is:  The Assassin's Target: CIA Assassin   This is the last of a series of books written by Auston King.  This series is reminiscent of the books by Vince Flynn and Daniel Silva...but he is not quite as good.  With that said, I would still recommend his books. 

Creatively:  I have done a few things.  Since we have a new great grandson I loaded the loom and put together a small blanket and made a receiving blanket for Casey.  What a joy to do!  I also got the old knitting needles out and have been keeping the hands busy in the evenings making wristlets and scarves.  I find that when crocheting and having to count stitches, my macular degeneration causes me problems...especially if I am trying to use a dark colored yarn.  So I have been sticking with the knitting needles. 

Plans for the day: It's off the hospital this morning for the yearly mammogram.  Never my favorite thing to do, but necessary.  Then on to do a few errands before coming home.  Seems I enjoy home more all the time.. :)

It's been extremely hot...but then it's August.  Triple digit heat for days on end.  If it's 80° at 5am and that feels soooo cool you want to sit on the porch with coffee even if you can't see your hand in front of your face... for me that's amazing.  But September is on the horizon so we stay indoors and busy... or not busy... as the day unfolds.  

As I sip my second cup of coffee and watch our fur babies sleeping away in their beds beside me, I'll say "Hope your day goes well."  Sending hugs.. :) 

Monday, August 07, 2023

Casey Jaymes Kemper

 Meet the newest of the new... our Great Grandson Casey Jaymes Kemper born last night August 6, 2023 .. I am just delighted with this little fella.  :)  He is the our daughter Paula's 5th grandchild and I have to say that I'm wishing I lived in Wichita, KS right now.  :)

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Why Am I Up?

 It's 3:45am.. why am I up?  This has become a trend in the last couple of weeks.  As the old saying goes "Up before breakfast!".  

I still have quite a bit of the black and white yarn I've been using, so I started another scarf.  Not quite the same pattern is showing up as I go along, but still showing the the same geometrics.  I have to say I am enjoying getting back into knitting. 

However, I'm not sure I'm up for the "frogging" that will be taking place as soon as I wake up enough to not totally mess up this scarf and have to start over.  I have NO IDEA how I managed to mess up 4 rows without noticing the screw up! 

I was knitting this last night while we were watching the making of Band Of Brothers and I guess I became more interested in the show than in what I was doing.  I have to say that Band Of Brothers  is one of the most moving series I have ever seen and I will see it many more times since we liked it so well we bought it. 

I had a call yesterday from grandson Jeff.  What a joy that guy is.. lol  He is expecting his first child and he said the baby will be born via section on August 9th.  I can hardly wait and I'm sure his wife is even more ready than I am.  :)  

The moon this morning is awesome.  I went out to try to capture it on camera and it just wouldn't work for me for some reason.  I believe I could sit outside and watch the moon for hours on nights like this.  It's huge and beautifully clear.

Temps for the last few days have been horrible.  Triple digits around 107° every day and we've had poor workmen out working in it fixing the soffits and eaves of our house.  I feel for anyone having to work outside in this heat.  Weather says we're in for a cold front the end of the week.. only around 104° .. not much of a cold front if you ask me.. 

It's now 4:30am and I've had one cup of coffee, the dogs are sleeping on their beds in here with me, I can hear the oxygen concentrator buzzing and it seems the whole world is sleeping quietly.  What a blessing it is to be safe in our home, cool and comfortable, with the ones we love.  Every now and then I am a bit overwhelmed with the ocean of blessings that we have had bestowed upon us.  

Enjoy your day, hug your loved ones... 

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Today in My Life .. July 30, 2023

 Today in my life:  I am astounded that it is already the 30th of July!  The year is half over and all I've done is blink my eyes!

I got up this morning: at 5:30am which is a lot later than I have been getting up.  Seems I wake up about 2:30 or 3am and can't go back to sleep so I just get up.  So today was a real "sleep in" 

I am wearing:  a really, REALLY, wonky long dress that will cover my feet when I'm sitting in my chair...and that is truly necessary these days.  My feet are always cold.

I look out the window: and am so pleased that the crepe myrtles are blooming, the daylilies have just finished blooming and some of the roses are going for round 2!! Such a pretty site to see looking out the kitchen window early in the morning. 

I am hearing: the buzz of the printer next to me that drives me to distraction. So tempted to turn it off, but DH may decide to print something in a minute..

I am thinking:  not a lot this morning.  My brain seems to be stuck in neutral. 

I am grateful for: all the memories that are held in every picture.  And the fact that those can be passed on to future generations at will.  Amazing.  

From the kitchen: came a large bowl of Tapioca pudding last evening .. It's DH's favorite.. right up there with Custard Pie.  And mine even if I pay for it with a higher blood sugar. 

Current book: is the fifth book in a series called The Kingsfall Histories.  This one is called "Endfall" and has all the mages, dragons, monsters a good science fiction book  It's written by David Estes and he is quite good.  

Creatively:  these are many things started and only a few finished.  My procrastination button is stuck in the down position these days.. sigh

Around the house: this seems to be the day for extra things.  Pills for the dogs, cutting DHs hair, doing all those little things and for some reason they seem to be a little overwhelming today.  My brain is not keeping

From the learning desk: there isn't much happening.  I have tried to "learn Spanish" with an online thing a couple of times and it's a great site, but I keep forgetting to go there.. sigh

Final thoughts: I talked to my sister on Friday .. seems like it's a long time between talks.  That's not good.  I told her we need to set up days.. like every Tuesday and  Maybe we wouldn't get so busy we forget! 

Here's a favorite thing:

This tea infuser was a gift from son and daughter in law many years ago.  I love how it keeps the bits of Lemon Balm that I use to make my tea from floating out and ending up in my teacup.  It's one of my very favorite things.

Have a good day.  Stay cool.  Enjoy your family and friends.  Make it a pleasant memory. 


Thursday, July 27, 2023

Triple Digit Heat...Knit SMALL Things...

July 27, 2023

 If I get up early enough, I can water my flowers outside with relatively cool weather.  And I have to do this since my Lemon Balm is very unhappy with the direct sunlight.. or is not happy sharing her home with the Rosemary.. not sure which.  But she does have to be watered every day and still shows signs of stress..hmm  What to do.. 

As a result of the 100+ degree weather almost every day this past week, knitting anything larger than a scarf is an absolute no-no.  Since I've done very little knitting in the past few years it was a few days before my fingers remembered what they should be doing.. 

I started knitting a pair of Wrist Cuffs to wear with my coat (that I had to make last year since I lost my favorite one...ughh).  I had some black and white yarn left over from another project so I used it.  The cuffs turned out beautifully so I used some wooden buttons that I bought for use with a crazy quilt and they were good too.. serendipitous! 

Since I still had yarn left over (and still do!), I started a matching scarf.  Finished it yesterday.  I have to say that my favorite scarf pattern is one that was first put online by The Yarn Harlot , Stepanie Pearl-McPhee many years ago. It's a One Row Pattern and while being very pretty is also reversible and very soft.  The pattern is found on her blog, free, HERE.

Well, it's now 6:00am and my coffee cup is empty.  I think I will remedy that and refill it, move to my chair in the den and settle in.  It's going to be a bit of a busy day...workmen here working outside yesterday, today and probably tomorrow.  Makes for interesting times.. :)  

Have a good day today...stay cool and enjoy whatever your hands find to do..