Thursday, January 31, 2008
Expired??? That Is The Question!

Mother Marion Spindle...
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Naalbinding Primer and Patterns

Alix's Nalebinding Page
has brought together an easy primer on 3 naalbinding stitches with free online patterns for hats, gloves, flowers and the amazing Coptic Sock.
Alix announced her new web page on the Yahoo Nalebinding Group and of course all of us had to rush right over and see it..grin Thanks Alix!
Take a look... you'll be glad you did!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Follow Up on "Lotion Soap"

I suppose this is one of the drawbacks to the mix, but not enough of one for me to stop using it...lol
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Lotion Soap....mmmm good!

I filled the dispenser about 3/4 full with the soap and then finished filling it with the lotion. I stirred them together, replaced the dispenser top and then shook it really well to continue to mix the two. Felt so good when I did the experimental first try..grin It still has plenty of suds and washes the hands without leaving them feeling like sandpaper.
I don't think this will totally replace using lotion on my hands, but it will keep them from drying out completely with every wash of the hands.
Friday, January 18, 2008
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Got my hair cut....and cut....and cut....and cut... It looks like a modified, gapped, ragged Marine's high and tight with the hair on top left about 3 inches long.... sigh.... I should have known ... NEVER allow anyone under 40 to cut your hair... About 2 hours after the haircut the Merle Norman Studio made some big bucks selling me a wig...sigh
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Merino is Spun!

Monday, January 14, 2008
Naalbinding a Red Cap

This one is made with the handspun Corriedale from the second dye batch and also uses the first needle I made..the oak one. This needle continues to be my favorite even though I have made several other ones. The stitch used in this one is the Korgen stitch (classified as UOO/UUOO) This is a very easy stitch to do and makes the cap quite warm.
It has been lovely for last couple of days. Actually got into the hot tub yesterday afternoon and it looks like we will be able to again this afternoon. The sun is shining brightly today and as far as I'm concerned we can't have enough of days like this ...
Have a wonderful day...
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Getting back in the swing of things....

Our son and his wife that live in Michigan had to cancel their trip home for the holidays due to weather. But this beauty came in the mail...wow! As dyed in the wool DIYers, we all oohd and awwd over this one. It's a glass tile with a hole drilled in it (I'm told this was the hardest part) and a string of tiny Christmas lights placed inside. The bow is hand made by Loretta... what a talent! Love the soft glow of colored light it makes when turned on in a dark room...

And talk about wonderful! These hand knitted socks made by DDL Tomomi are toasty! I really like the pattern and have to wonder how she keeps the pattern straight..lol As I am just now learning to knit socks, the good old stockinette stitch is as adventurous as I want to get..grin
There is more to say and show...but will wait until tomorrow and continue on......