
Monday, December 29, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook 12/29/2008

For today: December 29, 2008

Outside my window: the sun has not come up...all is quiet and even the sound of traffic on the highway is muted. I am waiting for the first sounds of the wren to stir and let me know that sunlight is coming.

I am thinking: that it's just not fair to have the flu over Christmas.

I am thankful for: fingers...achy or not, they still type and crochet, spin and weave...whatever they are called upon to do. And for flu shots...when you get the flu anyway at least it's not so bad.

From the kitchen: has come very little for the past week or so. Perhaps today some time can be spent cooking.

I am wearing: my favorite green "house coat" my grandmother would say. When did house coat become "robe"...???

I am reading: the news online and trying to follow the new law they have passed in an effort to keep children's toys safe...while inadvertently making it illegal to sell any hand made baby things without an enormous amount of money spent on individual testing...putting many small businesses and cottage industries out of business...sigh The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008

I am hoping: that the Congress will come up with a compromise to their plan ....

I am creating: only make-work projects at the moment. Nothing that is really planned is in the works ... mostly I need to organize and categorize... finish dyeing some of the threads needed to work on one of the projects.

Around the house: we are loving the new tile floors. Spilling drops of coffee on the sleepy early morning run from kitchen to office is not nearly such a big thing.

One of my favorite things: is sitting here next my DH each morning with our coffee and our computers...quietly checking out the news and starting another new day.

I am hearing: the beep, beep as my DH heats his cup of coffee in the microwave.

Around the house: rearrange and organize after having tile laid on the living room, office and hall floors. But must stop with the cough and yuks first...flu is not good...
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Friday, December 26, 2008

Is It The Flu?

This was the main part of our Christmas this year... DH came down with it first about 4 days ago and then yesterday mine really made itself felt. Needless to say, we are disappointed that the son that has just moved to Arizona could not come by while he is back home packing up...but like he said..."I really don't think I would like a spiking fever about Alamagordo.." He is going back today with a U Haul filled with the rest of their furniture.

The meadow looks barren and dreary with the leaves all gone. It was a nice 50+ degree day yesterday and is supposed to be again today. The sun did not come out all day, just remained on the cloudy side.

On a "sweeter" note..grin This tin was packed full of wonderful sugar cookies when it arrived a few days ago. Christmas package from son and DDIL in Michigan. We kept telling ourselves we really shouldn't eat these sweets... hmmm... looks like it really worked, doesn't it?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Pot of Veggie Beef Stew

It's cold outside. This is our first really cold snap of the year. This picture was taken at almost noon and it hasn't even reached 30 degrees yet!

This started yesterday with the north wind biting through our clothes. Coming home from coffee we noticed small drops of rain on the windshield and by the time we reached the area near our house, the car began to slide a bit as we crossed the overpass. Traffic had slowed to about 30 mph.

This morning the schools are closed. It will not reach above 32 degrees all day.... according to the local weather channel. This seemed the perfect day for good old-fashioned vegetable beef soup and a big pot of cornbread.

It's a little down day... son-in-law and his mom left yesterday with the first load of furniture for the new home in Arizona. (A little jealousy here...warm, warm, warm down )

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Newsletter, Echocardiogram, Silk/Bamboo

There have been many ups and downs with the newsletter during the last year. We handed it over to someone else to do and for one reason or another, it did not get done.... so we are once again doing it. It will be in the mail this afternoon. This is a good thing...really wanted everyone to have theirs before Christmas. Our mailing list is now around 550, but with none sent out in a year, we are expecting quite a few to be returned as undeliverable as people move and don't send in new addresses.

Went for echocardiogram yesterday. It took quite a while, but not nearly as long as I was expecting it to (Didn't have to see the doctor!) My cardiologist has one of those doctor's offices where you make sure you have enough knitting/crocheting/nalbinding supplies with you to last for several hours.... you will need them. My DH has finally learned to take his own book with him...after he had read all of the magazines in the place at least twice in one visit. Go again next week for chemical stress test.

Made a trip to Durant, OK for some supplies and while there stopped at Ozark Mills. I got some silk roving and some bamboo roving. It's amazing the difference between spinning the silk/bamboo and spinning wool. The white in the pic to the left is the silk. The beautiful fuchsia/purple colorway below is the bamboo.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Sorry for the Lack of Posts

It's been a really busy week...go, go, go... Will say hello this morning with a couple of things...

First and foremost... our new granddaughter Hannah.... Is she not lovely?...

And second...what I have been working on in the evenings...home spun, dyed and woven..then sewn and embroidered needlebooks....

I have just been reminded that I have to be at the dentist in 40 ... (Does your DH do that too?...) Will try to blog more later and catch up on my Simple Woman's Daybook!