
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday... A Day of Gratitude

It's been a long time since I blogged things that I am grateful for.... so I think today is a good day for that..

  • It's raining outside... a soft, easy rain that is saturating the ground. Very good for the St. Augustine sod we had laid last month. It seems that one good rain is better than all the city water in the world.

  • Ice... I can't imagine what it must have been like to have lived without ice.

  • The color blue... my sweet DH's favorite.

  • Flour tortillas... heat with butter in a skillet, turn 'em over and sprinkle all over with cinnamon/sugar...when light brown on that side just fold it over and put it on a plate... dig in... yum...yum..

  • Memorabilia... those little things given to us that are a reminder of the thoughtfulness of those we hold dear.

  • Fingers... so much accomplished with them.

  • Throw pillows...comfort in a small package.

  • Ancestors... good, bad, indifferent.... they made us who we are.

  • Music... a gift from the gods...

  • Dust bunnies... a reminder that we have a home to clean.

  • Mississippi Squirrel Revival by Ray Stevens... brings out the peals of laughter from young and old alike.

  • Children... always a source of laughter and joy and all things new and wonderful...

This is my late brother's granddaughter, Marli.. isn't she a jewel? ;o)

And this is Jayke... my late brother's other granddaughter... such a little beauty... ;o)

And here's a thought to ponder...

Aerodynamically the bumblebee should not be able to fly... but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway. ..... Mary Kay Ash

Hope your Sunday is wonderful. ;o)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ebay Day and More

I seem to have spent the entire day with the new laptop sitting at the kitchen table uploading things for our ebay shop... whew... Add to that a chair pulled up along side, left foot up in that chair and an ice pack on the shin and it leads to a rather long, very cool day. But I must say that I am pleased with the amount of work done.

I think I have come up with a naalbinding stitch that I just love. Not sure yet how I will actually use it since I'm not very good at turning corners, but I will definitely find a way. It looks almost woven. I think the Hansen listing would be UOO/UUOO B1. I have no idea what the name of this stitch might be.

It rained today. One of those soft, easy rains that left everything glistening like tiny diamonds flickering in the sunlight. I took some pictures of the flowers...
These are the bluebonnets that I so look forward to every year. They bloom on the shoulder of the highway just across from our house.
This is Indian Hawthorn. I planted them last year, so this is the first blooming. I love them.

Never been able to keep a geranium alive, but this one is really surprising me. I put a little fertilizer in the water when I watered it and boy..did it ever go to town. This is on the front porch. I'm thinking that if I break off a branch it will be easy to propagate. I'll give it a little longer to just grow then you can bet at least 2 or 3 branches will be sacrificed to try it. ;o)
All in all it has been a really good day...even with the leg up on a chair.
A friend of mine put something up on Facebook today that I thought was wonderful... It goes like this....
"Your life is your garden
Your thoughts are your seeds,
So if your life isn't awesome
You've been watering the weeds."
Have to say it hit home a bit.. ;o) Working on that....
Hope your day was awesome and you have a great one tomorrow...

Friday, April 16, 2010

It's Friday ... again!

My DH and I have found that as we grow older the weeks pass so quickly that it's always I have committed to blog every day this week...and the week is almost over and no blogging. I will try to make up for it with reminiscences of the week...

Monday was a busy day. Photographing and editing the photos of books and things for the ebay shop... Butterfield Mercantile... Had to reschedule an appointment that I missed... so much for the memory that wandered off the lane... ;o) I remember thinking how good it is that ebay is available and we can do this from home at this time in our lives

Tuesday was appointment day. I spent a lot of the day on my feet and by evening my lower leg was swollen and uncomfortable.... Did I tell you that I fell INTO the bathtub? Banged up my lower left leg a bit... black and blue but no bones broken... And for that a thankful thought went up for the day...

Wednesday... another appointment day. I have been feeling so much better with a lift in the depression after the deaths in my family. My thankful thought for that day... and I remember thinking and pondering it... Thank goodness for the new medications of the today that actually work. And for the change in attitude about seeking out help for personal problems... so much better than even 20 years ago.

Thursday... very early appointment with Dr. Truly about my leg. I knew it wasn't broken and that it was completely soft tissue damage, but it looked red and had a considerable amount of heat (fever) in it...but no cellulitis right now. Thank goodness...

I bought a laptop computer yesterday. It has been a biggy on my list of things I would like to have for quite a long time. It was a frustrating thing for me when it came time to set it up...I didn't know that the wireless router that we had put in had the wrong time and every time I tried to set up my laptop it would tell me I couldn't do that...the time on my computer was wrong.. boy... I was about ready to spit! When I got up to walk away and re-group, I thought about the fact that I even have one...sigh... Talk about a sudden dose of humility... ;o)

And then there's today... Up early, looking out the window as I post and loving the green of the trees. I think I will plant some forsythia down in the meadow this year. It needs a little burst of color here and there.

Thought for today... families may not always ( or ever) be what we think they should be, but they are ours... and we may not agree with anything they do or say, but for the most part if an open mind is kept, they have reason for what they think or believe. And who are we to say that our way is the only way....???

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Today in My Life 04/04/2010

Today in my life: the sun is just beginning to bring a little reflected light over the trees in the meadow. Not that bright, warm yellow kind... the faded gray of the day begins to show a little consciousness, stretch a bit and decide whether it really wants to get up or not.

I got up this morning: stumbled into the kitchen, made coffee and emptied the dishwasher. By the time that was done, I should have been awake... not so... still propping the eyes open after 3/4 of the first cup.

I am hearing: in my head someone say "I don't believe it!"... do you suppose if " I don't believe it" is said long enough and strong enough... it really will be "not true"? The child in me would love to believe that, but the adult says... ah well.... and smiles...

I am thinking: that I should hurry up and get a picture of the redbud with all the green behind it before it all changes... ;o(

The current book:
is... ta da... drum roll... a re-read of the first sci-fi book that I totally fell in love with... The Belgariad Trilogy ...

From the family: comes these lovely plants from Aunt Edna and Uncle Bobby. I want to get what she told me down in writing since my memory took a hike about a decade ago.. ;o)

The large plant is a bromeliad that is only one of several Edna has growing in her glassed in porch. Beautiful and doing so well... I'm impressed with The small packs are airplane plants, the wandering jew is about to bloom and the small plant in with the wandering jew is an oxygen plant...all of these also from Aunt Edna's "porch
greenhouse". That leaves the one that looks like a thick, broad mother-in-law's tongue. Long story.... in 1954 when I was about 7 and staying with my grandparents we would visit my grandfather's brother who lived in Stonewall, OK. His name was Tom and his wife's name was Etta... This plant is the proginy of Aunt Etta's plant... (Everyone used the "Yankee" Eastern pronounciation of her name... she was called "Aunt Etter"... ;o)

I am so pleased to have these plants. Thank you, Edna and Bobby...

From the learning desk: I am working hard at making examples of useful things that can be done with card weaving to show my class in June. Yesterday I began this watchband. It's turning out really pretty and I'm hoping that when I put the findings on it will still be pretty... ;o)

Plans for the coming week: I think it's about time for a trip to McKinney. It's been a while and I need to check out the Michael's store for thread and yarn.

I've been working on a handbook for card weaving, but have almost decided to do a video instead. We'll see...

Thought for today: "Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life." ... S. D. Gordon

I hope you have a lovely Easter. Hug your family close and bask in the beauty of this holiday...