The only problem was that I needed more than the one spindle I had to do it on. (My Bosworth is in use with some white Corriedale roving...) So I set about making several more, with 3 approximately the same size... 2" whorl, 8 1/2" shaft and weighing 0.75 ounces. They absolutely work like a charm.
The spindle lying on the table with the white mixed wool is my first efforts at "Ply on the Fly" spinning...I love it. When all done with the spinning, I will also be done with the plying and will have totally finished wool yarn to take off the spindle (except for the water bath finishing, of course).
The long spindle with the brown horse on the whorl is actually a metal door pull that we found at a local farmer's market..(no farmers showed up .. !!). I bought it for a $1.50, brought it home, put a shaft on it and boy did it go! lol Have to say I was not surprised that it worked...but very surprised that it worked so well.