
Sunday, March 29, 2009


I ran out of ink a couple of times while I was printing off the booklets for the Spindle Spinning Class. Of course that meant a trip to Office Depot each time. On the second trip...lo and behold.. right in front as I walked in the front door... there it was. The chair of my dreams.. marked.. ta da.. can you believe it... $15.00! I almost fainted. And then I bought it...

It's perfect for my spinning and weaving. I've been trying it out with my first try at spinning flax. I think I have developed all thumbs. I do pretty well for about this in the pic.. then all of a sudden it just slides apart and that's that. Looks like I am in for a long spell of learning all there is to know about flax...sigh

Friday, March 27, 2009

Cellar Night

We have lived here since 2004. That would be 5 years and last night was our first trip to the cellar. Unless, of course, you count the trips to wipe the cobwebs off the walls and sweep the floors.

We had just gone to bed around 9:15 or so and snuggled in with our books in hand when the phone rang. It was the Civil Defense recorded message about dangerous weather. We have only had this happen one other time... I like it. We got up, re-dressed and turned on the television. It took a bit, but around 10 or so the sirens here blew and this not-so-young lady made a bee line for the cellar with the half-quilted Hannah quilt and my single spun yarn that I am using to knit the EZ shawl.... and there I stayed until all was passed. (Constantly bemoaning the fact that I did not have my spinning wheel down there with me!)(And what about all my pictures???!!!) (Can't we just move into an underground house?)

This was one of those unusual storms that had a tornado rotation and yet it moved from the northwest to the southeast. This happens very rarely...almost always do tornado storms move from the southeast to the northwest. We actually got very little of the harsh activity. As the photo shows, the worst we got was the wind that blew the oak beards off the tree and all over the yard. About 5 miles north of us it was a different story. They had some horrible hail and very high winds... as far as I know there was not a tornado that touched down.

I can now breathe a little easier... the cellar has now been

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook 03/23/2009

For today: March 23, 2009

Outside my window: it's a bit hazy this morning. The weather has warmed nicely and the trees in the meadow are beginning to show that first tinge of green as the tiny, newborn leaves stretch and wriggle their way into new life.

I am thinking: how I need to get over wishing every day that I lived in a compound like the Godfather... so my children could all have a house "right over there" and I could call them all up for a supper on Sunday.

From the learning rooms: which is actually any room in my house. I am working to learn the math behind the knitting of Elizabeth Zimmermann and have been pleasantly surprised as I work out the round shawl that I am currently working on.

I am thankful for: my ingrown toenail. If that's the worse thing that happens, I've got the world by the tail.

From the kitchen: I can still smell the sausage that was cooked for breakfast. I have become an oatmeal for breakfast fiend... haven't done that in years...but is sure good with the sausage and toast.

I am wearing: the green housecoat that our sons got me for Christmas. I love it...

I am reading: The Concrete Blonde by Michael Connelly for about the 4th time. It's time to go back to the bookstore...all books have been read at least 3 times and working up from there.

I am hoping: that I got the voice mail set on my new cell phone... duh... am not very handy with such as that...

I am creating: I am spinning more singles for use with the Elizabeth Zimmermann shawl that I am currently knitting. I just hope it comes out good...

I am hearing: the scissors cutting paper as my sweet DH cuts the insurance cards apart to be placed in the cars.

Around the house: the time is coming for spring cleaning when everything gets a good going over and smells really good for a few weeks... love that...

One of my favorite things: is music... almost any kind except blue grass, hard jazz or acid rock...and even some blue

A few plans for the rest of the week: consists of spinning more mixed wool singles, warp the loom for some more cotton tea towel weaving and making preparations for trip to Arkansas...with a wonderful stop off to see daughter.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you:

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spindle Spinning Class and Elizabeth Zimmermann

The Spindle Spinning Class at the Red River Museum was a great success. I am so tickled you can't even imagine. Everyone was enthusiastic, talked constantly and just had fun..and learned to spin.. imagine that... ! What a wonderful day...

These two little hats are made from the bits and pieces left over from other projects. The pink is my first try with kool aid dyeing and the blue is the very first thing I ever tried to spin using my Kromski spinning wheel. I think I will keep them as reminders and keepsakes...

This is the first time I have tried to use singles for any large project. This is mixed wool that was spun into a single with 16 wpi. It was dyed with blue kool-aid with a couple of pkgs. of yellow stirred into separate areas... gives a variegated green to the blue.. I like it..

This is the beginning of the Elizabeth Zimmermann Shawl Project from the July project in the EZ Knitter's Almanac. It begins with a crocheted center...which I modified a bit so I would not have to use just 3 stitches per knitting needle...what a bother that was. It's amazing to me that the math for this project really

"It's Pi; the geometry of the circle hinging on the mysterious relationship of the circumference of a circle to its radius. A circle will double its circumference in infinitely themselves-doubling distances, or, in knitters' terms, the distance between the increase-rounds in which you double the number of stitches, goes 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 rounds, and so on..." pg 73, EZ Knitter's Almanac...

Never in my lifetime would I have considered ANY of the geometry I took in school to be useful in knitting... WOW...

I may have to spin some more of this yarn and try to match the colors, but I couldn't wait to try this Maybe some day I will grow up and learn patience.. but I'm not holding my breath on that

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Victor Valeriano on YouTube

I came across this the other day as I was doing a Google search and thought some of you might be interested to see Vic as he accepts the Lasallian Award.

The Simple Woman's Daybook 03/17/2009

For today: March 17, 2009

Outside my window: the early morning sunshine comes later with the arrival of Daylight Savings Time. It's taking us a bit to acclimate to the time change.

The irises are shooting up this time of year and will begin to bloom within a month.

I am thankful for: silk plants. I can kill plants with the best. Ivy is wonderful since it will come back from a deep wilt with the addition of a little water. But with silk plants I can have any and all kinds throughout the house. Love that.

From the kitchen: comes more sounds of spinning box preparation than cooking! The table is loaded with the kits that will be used by the students at my first spindle spinning class. It's a good thing we have trays or would have to eat in the formal dining room!

I am wearing: stretch denim pants, a Donkenny shirt with some kind of brown cat or leopard print and leather sandals.

I am reading: The Western Guide to Feng Shui...Room by Room by Terah Katryn Collins. I am fascinated by Feng Shui. I don't know why since all it really means is ... cut the clutter, throw away the junk and use a color wheel to balance the colors and textures of a room. Make rooms user friendly and welcoming... and there ya go! But it still fascinated me... lol

I am hoping: to spend some time this summer under the big oak tree. I would love to turn the flower bed at the base of the tree into a fairyland. We'll see....

I am creating: a spindle spinning workbook. It has arrived back from eldest son's learned red marking pen with a note that says how impressed he is with it...then you open it up and can't find the book for all the marks!! lol I am so blessed to have wonderful, smart, learned children who put up with their mom's idiosyncrasies.

Around the house: there is a general uplifting of spirits as the browns outside begin to show spots of green and the different birds begin to arrive.

One of my favorite things: is this picture. It is my son and I and was taken in 1987. It now sits on my desk.

I am hearing: the whir of my computer and the quiet of the early morning.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you:

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I Know, Pattie...It's been almost a month!

I don't know what has been the problem, but it has been really difficult to blog the past couple of weeks. I think perhaps the loss of Vic bothered me more than I thought it would. It seems kind of strange when I think about it. We see the Rangers perhaps once a year..if we make it to the reunion that year. But they become almost family..almost instantly. Each has his/her own personality and each is quite different. But each still manages to hang onto a tiny piece of your heart. Anyway...

I am always happy to see the redbud tree in the backyard bloom. Spring is around the corner! We had some really lovely weather for a while, but the last few days have been cold and wet with the night temps in the mid to lower 30s. When I spoke to daughter Paula a couple of days ago she said it had begun to She lives just north of us a couple of hours. But then, a person soon learns that no matter how warm and sunny the weather turns this time of year....ya just don't plant flowers, seeds ..anything until after Easter. It has been known to snow and freeze on Easter Sunday.

I have finished this pair of socks. Now DH has 2 pair of sleep socks that he can switch off...and perhaps keep from wearing out so fast! ;o)

I am knitting another pair just like these that will fit me. They do come in handy on those cold nights when nothing I do seems to get my feet warm. Some of those rice bags to heat in the microwave and put at the foot of the bed as feet warmers are definitely on the "to do" list...

Hannah's quilt is finally ready for the quilting. Because of the embroidery I will have to quilt it by hand I think. My brain will not come up with anything that would look good on the machine...but then perhaps I just have not had enough experience with
It's funny... there are several quilting groups here in town, but nowhere can I find a quilting foot for my sewing machine. Not at Wal Mart, JoAnn's, Hobby Lobby... nowhere. Now I wonder why that is?

Here's a picture of another of the crazy quilts that were on display at the Red River Museum. What a treat that display was! These displays are changed about every six (6) months. I'm not sure if this display been changed or not, but if you are in the area it never hurts to stop by and see.....

Red River Historical Museum
301 S. Walnut Street
Sherman, TX

You will be pleasantly surprised!