
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Grateful Tuesday

It's been a very busy 2 weeks and have at least another day to go to finish the valances and get them hung. Hubby and I are getting a bit tired and with no days off for a couple of weeks, today we realized why we were both dragging...duh!
So tonight I thought perhaps it was time for a little down time and my grateful list. So here 'tis:
1. The feel of Brigit's curls as she snuggles against my neck.
2. Hot Apple Cider in a mug.
3. The stack of shoes by the kitchen door as the kids and grandkids come home, kick off their shoes and slouch on the sofa
4. The light in my husband's eyes as he answers the phone and realizes it is one of his daughters.
5. The smell of a roast cooking.
6. Crocheted house slippers.
7. The smell of an orange slice in my hot tea.
8. Email
9. Our wren's curiosity
11. My husband's cold toes
12. My sister's laugh
13. Fingernail files
14. Crochet hooks
15. The intelligent look in the eyes of the possum in our backyard tonight.
16. The beauty of the yellow against the red of the hibiscus
17. The phone call from my sister Teresa today.... just to talk and laugh.
18. My Uncle Bobby's Vinegar Pie... the best!


kiki said...

what a great list but i have to ask vinegar pie?

Anonymous said...

speaking of vinegar pie, I must have that recipe because I lost it. it does make me feel good to read your list and at the top of my list is you and Jerry.

Linda S. said...

Thanks kiki.. and vinegar pie is another name for mock apple pie..but this one is actually a cobbler. I will post the recipe as soon as I get another copy since I lost mine when our computers crashed a month or so ago. I tastes like apple cobbler..sooo great!

Linda S. said...

John, I love it that you drop in and read my blog. And the love the phone calls after you do, too...