
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Shop Porch Surround is Finished! & Day 10

What a difference it makes! Jim & Don spent yesterday putting the lattice up around the screened in porch. It really makes a difference... it looks really nice and makes the hot tub much more private while allowing the air to flow. From the inside you can still see out and see the green of the trees, but watching the birds and squirrels might be a bit of an iffy situation..grin Now to finish the inside with linoleum tiles, put some furniture in, do a little decorating...
Day 10: Well, today I find myself clenching my teeth and a little bit trembly...(is that a word???) So I look out the window and watch the breeze softly moving around the leaves of the trees. It has a calming effect. I have to know... is there another animal in the natural world that will deliberately start and maintain a habit that they know will cause them infinite harm? ...


Debbie Kathy Lela and Marilyn said...

It looks so pretty. You can see out but can anyone see in (grin). when we started smoking we looked so cool and now we wish someone had slapped the crap out of us when we took that first puff. When I quit that time I put the patch on before I went to bed. It said in the info that if you did that it would take the craving away in the morning. It did too. It was just my poor feeble mind that didn't work right.

firefly said...

I wondered, are you quitting smoking cold turkey, or using patches or something. I daugther is quitting, and she is on day four I think with patches as a support. You speak of clenching your teeth ... hers are clenched on and off as well. I hold my own breath because of the inevitable emotional fallout that spews out randomly. My heart goes out to her, and I can't help but think of you as well.

Hope all is well.


Linda S. said...

Hi you two,
Sorry to be so long replying... Yes, I am using the patches and they do help a lot. So far, I haven't had much irritability, but I have had a listlessness that I find very distressing. I will be thinking of your daughter, firefly... give her my best wishes..